Monday, April 14, 2014

Brian Regan

The Historic Elsinore Theatre in Salem, Oregon
March 15th and 16th

Shannon found out that Brian Regan, one of our favorite comedians, was going to be performing at the Elsinore Theatre in Salem! Of course we had to go. It was in the middle of Shannon’s week though (I have a strange work schedule), so we had to do it in just two days. That was a shame, because we really wanted to visit Sharon and Dave (our adoptive parents. Sharon was also our boss when we worked for the Elsinore) for a while. I messed up that part even more, though, because my parents invited me to see an author talk (Cheryl Strayed) in Bend the next day, so this really became an over-and-back kind of trip. 

Shannon left work early that day so we could make it to the performance. We left Bend as soon as we could get ourselves together. The drive over was pretty smooth and uneventful (the best kind). We got to Salem and went straight to the Elsinore. We were early so the theatre wasn't open yet. Sharon wasn't answering her phone, so we snuck in through a secret door that I guessed would be unlocked. None of the volunteers or staff questioned us (a few of them stared a bit though). I guess we look like we belong. We asked around a bit and eventually found Sharon in the basement kitchen cutting fruit for Brian. We said our hellos, got our tickets, then got quickly out of the way so we wouldn’t bother the Reganites. Didn’t need to be making Sharon’s job harder, after all. 

We changed and found our seats. Sharon came and gave us snacks and water and then had to take care of something. Dave appeared and sat down, and then Sharon came back, but within 5 minutes they had both disappeared. They didn't get to come back until the last 10 minutes or so. I think they were running concessions. It’s too bad they didn’t get to see the show. I hope they could at least hear some of it. 

The show was fantastic. Mostly stuff I hadn't heard before, too. (This is impressive because Griff listens to comedy on Pandora all the time.) I've only ever seen videos of him early in his career, though, and he’s aged a lot. I know that seems kind of silly to say; of course he’s aged, everyone does; but it was a lot more surprising than it should have been. He made a joke about it, though. He’s getting grey on the sides of his head but not on the top, so he said that he’s turning into a raccoon. ^_^ It made me laugh a lot. (Me too.)

Sharon and I after the show. (I know it's not a great picture, I
was shooting quickly in low light and the front camera on
my phone is crappy any way.)
After the performance Shannon was hoping that Brian would come out so she could get him to pose with her "Know It All" button. ("Know It All" is a marketing slogan the library I work at uses. They gave us all buttons with the slogan on them and recently one of my co-workers and friends had the idea to have the buttons travel around with staff when they go on vacation. We're supposed to take interesting pictures of the buttons' adventures. The "Know It All" button will probably be a pretty consistent character on this blog actually...) Unfortunately Brian didn't come out to greet the crowd. (It's kind of a toss up whether the performers will come out and say hi or not. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.) She did a photo shoot with the button in the theatre instead. I think the pictures turned out really well.

Griff holding the Know It All button up in front of the theatre.
Whee, sparkles! I was playing with the effects on my camera. I
like this one. ^_^
The Know It All button and the Macbeth wall...
...and the Know It All button and the Romeo and Juliet wall. 
Once Shannon was done taking pictures, we met up with Sharon and Dave for dinner at Denny’s. All of us except Dave had breakfast food. We got to spend some time just relaxing and talking with them, which was a nice change. Usually we’re all so busy that we’re always doing something when we’re spending time together. 

Then we all headed to their house so we could go to bed. Shannon and I were staying in their trailer. (Which we really appreciate them letting us use!) We beat Sharon and Dave to their house which meant that, while we could get into the trailer, we couldn't get to the bathroom in the house to brush teeth and get ready for bed. We ended up just sitting in the car discussing the history of engagement rings. (I kid you not. This is really what we were talking about.) When Sharon and Dave got there, we followed them inside. Shannon and Sharon ended up chatting about Sharon's jewelry and Younique Makeup business. It sounds like a really good company, but we spent a VERY long time talking about it. (Poor Griff. Makeup and jewelry aren't his favorite topics for some strange reason... :P) It was quite late by the time we actually headed for bed. 

The next morning we woke just in time to see Sharon headed off to work. (Dave left early for a poker tournament.) We said our goodbyes, packed up, went to Pita Pit for breakfast (we don't have one in Bend so it's kind of a treat now...), got some gas for the car, and headed back to Bend. I made it just in time to go to Cheryl Strayed's talk with my parents.

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